About this Course

Hi Everyone ! I am Parul & will be your Kids Yoga Instructor for this course.

Relaxing Yoga  poses for kids to manage their anxiety, stress levels & emotions.  Structured & Well thought Yoga practice that incorporates Breathing, Yoga Poses & Quiet time with Positive affirmation to help kids calm their  body &  mind.

We're living in a world that is very fast-paced, full of distraction, where there is information everywhere, computers, TV, video games. pressure from peers, from schools etc. which unconsciously builds stress in kids.

Kids need yoga as much as we do. Let us make use of  low-cost &  helpful tool Yoga,  that can have a positive impact on children.

Welcome to this course & these yoga poses & breathing practices  will  promote positive body image, help Kids  improve their  focus & concentration whilst  increasing  strength and flexibility.

Research shows that

“Children who practice yoga and meditation show higher levels of optimism, more positive emotions, stronger self-identity, greater self-acceptance, and reduced anxiety, stress and depression. By cultivating mindfulness as a long term, sustainable practice for our children, we believe that we can start a shift in the way that they show up in the world - by being more positive, present and calm. If we could nurture this in every child in society, we'd be contributing to a more peaceful, non-violent world”.

  • What will Kids learn in this course

    Yoga Poses to manage stress & anxiety. Breathing Exercises, Pranayama, Relaxing techniques, Mindfulness & Meditation. Positive affirmation, Quiet time to increase awareness

  • Benefits Of this Course

    Emotion regulation, Reduced anxiety and tension, Resilience to stress, Fewer problem behaviors, Mental wellbeing, Physical well-being, Academic performance

Course curriculum

About this course

  • $21.90
  • 6 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Hi! This is Parul.

I am a certified Yoga instructor for both kids & adults.
I have been teaching for the last 6 years & will be your Kid’s yoga instructor for this course.

I love to make yoga fun and enjoyable for kids

Objective of this course

  • Kids form a Yoga as part of their daily routine

  • Kids Establish Healthy Habits early

  • Manage emotions & anxiety through Yoga

  • Manage stress in their daily lives

  • Use screen time effectively after school to stretch & unwind

  • Learn an Essential Skill for Lifetime

About Kids Yoga

Parul loves to make Yoga fun & engaging so kids are not isolated to their yoga mat. She encourages self expression and creativity in the class and helps kids develop  social skills with Yoga. Her Yoga  format is creative & interactive & she also makes use of yoga stories, songs, yoga games to make yoga more exciting for kids.

She has been teaching kids yoga & mindfulness for the last 6 years in community centers, studios, schools & online.

Benefits of Yoga for Kids

There are many forms of movement exercises for Kids like running,playing sports, dancing, gymnastics and they all are great but what makes Yoga Different ?

  • Yoga for Children not only exercises body, it exercises the mind and make them more aware of their breath helping them with build strength with relaxed mind

  • Important life lessons beyond walls of the classroom to be healthier and happier individuals

  • Yoga is a non judgmental & non competitive activity for kids to practice yoga. Gives them space where they feel comfortable just being themselves. Such a positive space nourishes kids without feeling any pressure & they build strength, Flexibility & get all the benefits of Yoga in a positive environment.

  • Yoga has got unlimited benefits for kids in building strength, flexibility, Self love, self acceptance, better focus, relaxation and reducing stress etc. Essential tools for lifetime