Objective of this course is to support & empower Kids Yoga Teachers post thier teacher's Training with all the resources to feel confident in teaching Kids Yoga.

Welcome to the evergrowing library for all Kids Yoga Resources

  1. Basic Yoga Poses Videos
  2.  Breathing Practices
  3. Meditation & Visualization Scripts & Videos
  4. Lesson plans
  5. Yoga Games
  6. Top Tips for Kids Yoga Teachers
  7. Positive Behaviour Management Techniques

Great  course for Yoga Teachers, Kids Teachers, Parents, Teachers who work with children.

Email [email protected]  for your queries !!

Course curriculum

    1. Teach Kids 5 Basic Yoga Poses

    2. Sun-Salutation for Kids- Boost your Energy & Build Immunity

    3. Learn Sitting Yoga Poses for Kids 6-8 Yrs Old

    4. Animal Yoga Flow for Kids - 4-8 Yrs Old

    5. Yoga Poses for Lower Body- Strength, Stillness & Balance

    1. Animal Flow Yoga Poses

    2. Creative Sun Salutation-Video (Nature)

    3. Warm Up & Human Mandala

    4. Sun-Salutation for Kids- Boost your Energy & Build Immunity

    5. Breathe Deeper, Animal Moves & Choose Happiness

    1. Belly Breathing for Kids-Teach your kids to breathe right (Hoberman sphere)

    2. Breathing for Kids- Belly Breathing

    3. Flower Breathing for a 3 Year Old

    4. Fun & Creative Ways of Breathing- Breathe Deeper & Have Fun

    5. Relaxing & Mindful Breathing for Kids

    6. Pranayama Breathing -Five Important Must know breathing techniques

    7. Kids Yoga -Heart Breathing

    8. Hands on Heart Breathing-Self-Love & Self-Compassion

    1. 3 Minute Meditation for Kids for Positive Thinking

    2. 3 Minute Meditation-Pop Your Thoughts away & Focus

    3. Positive Affirmation Meditation for Self-Confidence

    4. 2 Minute Gratitude Meditation for Kids - Guided Mindfulness practice

    5. 5 Senses Mindfulness for Kids- Stay Calm & Present

    6. Metta Meditation for Kids-Loving & Kindness

    7. Meditation & Mindfulness Technique for Kids-Singing Bowl

    8. Affirmation Meditation for Kids Yoga

    9. I am Enough-Meditation & Affirmations for Kids

    10. Mindful Walking -Mindfulness

    11. Trataka Meditation

    1. Kids Yoga Lesson Plan-Being Resilient

    2. Happiness Lesson Plan-Age Group 8-12 Yrs Old-Introducing Kids to concept of Santosha

    3. Kindness Based Yoga-Lesson Plan (Suitable for 6-10 Yrs Old)

    4. How to teach Gratitude to Kids- Yoga I Meditation I Mindfulness

    5. International Yoga day Lesson Plan for Kids-BlissYogaSG .docx

    6. I am Magical !!

    1. Lesson Plan-Yoga for Hyperactivity & Managing Anxiety (4-12 Yrs Old)

About this course

  • $120.00
  • 77 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content

Hi! This is Parul! I will be your yoga instructor for this course.

  •  I am  certified in diffetent styles of Yoga & certified to teach both Adults & Kids + Sound Healer & a yoga  therapist 
  • I have been teaching yoga for the last 7 years 
  • I love to make yoga fun and enjoyable for everyone.

Connect with BlissYogaSg on Social Media

Facebook  | Instagram  | Instagram Kids | BlissYogaKidsYoutube| BlissYogaSG Youtube

For enquiries on BlissYogaSG 95 hour Yoga Alliance certified Kids Yoga TTC. email me at [email protected].


Who should take this course :

  • Are you a new Kids Yoga Yoga Teacher & looking for Kids Yoga resources?

  • Do you work with kids in schools & looking for inspiration on Kids Yoga ideas?

  • Are you already kids yoga teacher & need more ideas for your classes?

Get ready to access the resources

Get started now

Pricing options

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Coming soon!

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