Why should yoga be taught in schools?

In today's fast-paced and demanding world, prioritizing wellness in schools is essential for nurturing students' holistic development. The BlissYogasg program offers numerous benefits for students in schools, promoting their overall well-being and enhancing various aspects of their development.

Key Benefits

  • Physical Health: By promoting healthy habits like exercise, nutritious eating, and sufficient sleep, the program supports students' physical health and vitality.

  • Emotional Well-being and Resilience: Students learn emotional intelligence, stress management, and coping skills to navigate challenges, build relationships, and maintain mental balance.

  • Enhanced Focus and Memory: Breathing exercises and mindfulness techniques taught in the program help students relax their minds, improve concentration, and boost memory retention.

  • Social Emotional Learning (SEL): Yoga nurtures essential life skills, empathy, kindness, and compassion, while helping students connect with their emotions and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

  • Social Skills: Yoga in preschools fosters enhanced social skills, promoting teamwork, improved communication, heightened empathy, and a reduction in aggression and bullying.

  • Improved Academic Performance: Yoga stimulates brain activity, enhances neural connections, and optimizes learning potential, leading to better academic performance.

  • Reduced Anxiety and Stress: Yoga's breathing exercises and relaxation techniques empower students to regulate emotions, reduce anxiety, and promote inner calm.

  • Lifelong Yoga Practice: Introducing yoga at an early age establishes a lifelong habit of practicing yoga, promoting a healthy lifestyle and self-care.

  • Fun & Engagement: Yoga in preschools sparks fun and engagement, nurturing a passion for physical activity, creating interactive learning experiences, and cultivating a positive attitude toward exercise and wellness.

This yoga program for schools provides a comprehensive approach to students' well-being, academic success, and personal development by integrating yoga into the curriculum. It equips students with valuable skills and habits that positively impact their lives.

What teachers, school-based professionals or educators can expect from this program?

Introducing a yoga program in schools not only benefits the students but also provides significant advantages for the school staff, including teachers and educators.

  • Managing Children's Anxiety and Stress

    Teachers and educators often face the challenge of managing children's anxiety and stress in the classroom. With the integration of yoga practices, such as breathing exercises and mindfulness techniques, students develop effective tools to calm themselves down and regulate their emotions. This, in turn, creates a more conducive learning environment where teachers can focus on teaching rather than constantly addressing disruptive behavior or emotional outbursts.

  • Improved Focus and Concentration

    One of the struggles teachers face is keeping students engaged and focused during lessons. The yoga practices taught in the BlissYogasg program help children improve their focus and concentration. As a result, teachers spend less time redirecting students' attention and can deliver their lessons more effectively. The enhanced ability of students to concentrate leads to increased productivity and a smoother classroom experience.

  • Calmer Classroom Environment

    By incorporating yoga into the daily routine, students become more centered and composed. This leads to a calmer classroom environment, where disruptions and conflicts are minimized. Teachers can create a nurturing atmosphere that promotes positive interactions and cooperation among students. The overall ambiance of the classroom becomes conducive to learning, allowing teachers to deliver their lessons with ease and efficiency.

  • Teacher Self-Care and Stress Management

    Teachers often experience burnout due to the demands of their profession. The BlissYogasg program not only focuses on students but also emphasizes the well-being of the teachers themselves. The program includes relaxing and calming practices for teachers, allowing them to restore their energy levels, reduce stress, and enhance their overall well-being. These practices enable teachers to take care of themselves, manage their own stress, and be in a better position to support their students effectively.

  • Enhanced Teacher-Student Relationships

    Through yoga practices that cultivate empathy, kindness, and compassion, the BlissYogasg program helps foster positive teacher-student relationships. When students feel seen, heard, and understood, they develop a deeper connection with their teachers. This positive rapport creates a supportive learning environment where students feel comfortable asking questions, seeking help, and engaging actively in the educational process.Teachers experience greater job satisfaction as they witness the growth and development of their students.

By helping manage children's anxiety and stress, improving focus and concentration, creating a calmer classroom environment, promoting teacher self-care, and enhancing teacher-student relationships, this program makes the staff's job easier and more fulfilling.
Teachers can focus on teaching effectively, while also taking care of their own well-being, ultimately contributing to a positive and successful educational experience for both staff and students.

A program made of practical activities, especially designed for schools

What you will learn in this yoga & mindfulness program for schools?

  • Easy-to-follow breathing exercises for kids: our program teaches children a variety of techniques, including belly breathing, balloon breathing, humming breathing, and alternate nostril breathing, to regulate their breath, promote relaxation, and reduce stress.

  • Simple mindfulness practices: to help kids feel more present and focused in the classroom, enhancing their attention and engagement.

  • Movement breaks with yoga poses: incorporating physical activity and stretching to energize and rejuvenate students during the school day.

  • Short meditation and guided visualization exercises: to help children cultivate mindfulness, relaxation, and mental clarity.

  • Mindful movement activities: to promote body awareness and improve coordination.

  • Yoga games and activities: to make the practice fun and engaging for children.

  • Yoga sequences: designed specifically for different age groups or specific needs (e.g., energizing sequences for morning classes, and calming sequences for afternoons).

  • Developing basic self-regulation skills: through our yoga sessions, children learn to recognize and identify their emotions, understand their emotional states, and respond to them appropriately. They are taught techniques such as deep breathing exercises, guided visualization, and calming activities like restorative yoga poses to regulate their emotions effectively.

  • Self-Calming Strategies: children are introduced to various self-calming techniques, such as using positive affirmations, engaging in mindful activities, or practicing grounding exercises. These strategies provide them with tools to manage stress, reduce anxiety, and regain a sense of calm.

How do you conduct yoga in school?

At BlissYogaSG, we understand the importance of conducting yoga in schools with care and effectiveness. Our comprehensive training program, along with tips, best practices, and ongoing support, empowers teachers to confidently deliver yoga classes.

Integrating yoga into schools has the potential to enhance students' physical and mental well-being. When conducting yoga in schools, it is crucial to follow specific guidelines and recommendations to ensure a positive and safe experience for students. Here are valuable recommendations for conducting yoga in schools:

  1. Age-Appropriate Practices: Tailor yoga sessions to the age and abilities of the students, offering playful and interactive sessions for younger children and more structured sessions for older students.

  2. Safety First: Prioritize safety by creating a suitable environment for yoga practice. Clear the space of any hazards, provide comfortable mats or blankets, and encourage participants to listen to their bodies and avoid pushing themselves beyond their limits.

  3. Respect Individual Abilities: Emphasize that yoga is a non-competitive practice and encourage students to listen to their bodies and work at their own pace. Respect and honor the unique abilities and limitations of each student.

  4. Optimal Yoga Integration in Schools: Strategic incorporation of yoga and mindfulness throughout the school day yields significant benefits. Morning energizing yoga enhances focus and energy, afternoon mindfulness fosters mental clarity and stress reduction, and evening restorative yoga enables tension release and energy restoration. These practices create a supportive environment for student well-being and academic achievement.

  5. Academic Integration: Explore integrating yoga and mindfulness into academic subjects to enhance learning and engagement. Consider incorporating mindful breathing before tests or presentations, yoga movements during math or language arts lessons, and mindful writing exercises to enhance creativity. This interdisciplinary approach reinforces the benefits of yoga and promotes academic integration.

  6. Integration into School Schedule: Yoga can be conducted in schools as part of morning mindfulness, physical education, extracurricular activities, or after-school programs, cultivating balance and relaxation.

  7. Communication and Feedback: Maintain open communication with students, teachers, and parents about the yoga program. Encourage feedback, promptly address concerns, and regularly assess the impact and effectiveness of the classes to make necessary adjustments.

  8. Create a Positive Environment: Foster a supportive and inclusive atmosphere during yoga classes. Encourage students to respect and appreciate one another, promoting kindness, empathy, and teamwork.

  9. Dos and Don'ts for Yoga in Schools: Encourage active participation, mindfulness, and a positive body image. Make the practice holistic with breathing exercises, warm-ups, yoga poses, and relaxation. Provide clear instructions, a welcoming environment, and respect individual needs. Ensure safety supervision and avoid imposing religious beliefs, overemphasizing physical appearance, or neglecting feedback. Create a safe, inclusive, and beneficial yoga program for students.

By implementing these recommendations and incorporating yoga into the school day, teachers can deliver yoga classes in a way that promotes students' well-being and academic success.

Comprehensive curriculum to bring yoga & mindfulness in your classrooms

    1. About me-Parul Chaturvedi

    1. Why Yoga & Mindfulness for Kids ?

    1. Objective of this Training for School Teachers

    1. How to Explain Yoga to Kids?

    2. How is Yoga & Mindfulness different than other activities for Kids ? +Benefits

    3. Benefits of Yoga & Mindfulness for Kids in the Classroom

    4. How Teaching Yoga & Mindfulness to Kids is different than adults?

    1. Catching Kids Attention-Building Connection

About this program

  • $399.00
  • 34 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

Who is this yoga program for schools best for?

  • Early Childhood

    The program can be adapted to meet the needs of early childhood settings, such as preschools and kindergartens. It provides age-appropriate yoga and mindfulness activities that support children's physical coordination, emotional regulation, and social interaction skills during their early years of development.

  • Elementary Schools

    The program aligns well with elementary schools, where students are in their foundational years of academic learning and social-emotional development. It offers engaging and interactive yoga and mindfulness practices to enhance students' focus, self-regulation, and overall well-being.

  • Teachers and Educators

    The program is designed to meet the needs of teachers and educators who are looking for effective ways to support their students' social-emotional development, improve focus and concentration, and create a positive classroom environment. It provides teachers with the necessary tools, knowledge, and resources to confidently integrate yoga and mindfulness practices into their teaching routines.

  • Schools Focusing on Social-Emotional Learning

    The program aligns well with schools that prioritize social-emotional learning (SEL) as part of their curriculum. By incorporating yoga and mindfulness, schools can enhance SEL outcomes by promoting self-regulation, empathy, kindness, and compassion among students.

Meet Parul, certified kids yoga instructor

Certified Kids Yoga Instructor Parul Chaturvedi

I am a passionate yoga instructor specializing in teaching yoga to children. With over 10 years of experience and diverse certifications in Children’s and Teen Yoga, Special Needs Yoga, Hatha and Yin Yoga, Yoga Anatomy, Yoga Therapies, Prenatal, Mindfulness, and Sound healing,

my approach is holistic towards teaching yoga to children & families.

My teaching approach combines my deep understanding of child development with creativity, ensuring engaging sessions for different age groups. I incorporate play, storytelling, and music for young kids and incorporate art, journaling, and self-expression exercises for older children. I create a dynamic and inclusive space where children can explore yoga in ways that resonate with their interests and development.

My commitment to adapting yoga to individual needs, prioritizing safety and well-being, and my continuous professional development make me an exceptional guide for children on their yoga journey. Additionally, I offer a Yoga Alliance approved Kids Yoga Teacher Training program to certify others in teaching yoga to children, aiming to improve the well-being of kids and teens worldwide.

Learn more about me here

Start teaching yoga in your classrooms today!

Flexible payment options

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long does it take to complete the program?

    We conduct a comprehensive 3-day training program specifically designed to train teachers on the easy-to-follow course curriculum. Each training day consists of 3 hours of theory and practical activities, providing teachers with the necessary knowledge and skills to confidently guide yoga and mindfulness practices for kids.

    The program emphasizes a mix of theory and hands-on experience to ensure teachers are well-prepared to implement the practices effectively. It also offers ongoing support for teachers for a specified period, helping them navigate any challenges and ensure successful implementation.

    The overall timeline for completing the program will vary based on the school's implementation plan and the pace at which they choose to introduce and integrate the practices into their educational setting.

  • My students don't have any prior experience in yoga or breathing techniques, will they still follow along?

    Yes, the program is designed to be accessible to students without prior experience in yoga or breathing techniques. The instructions and exercises are tailored to suit beginners and are presented in an easy-to-follow manner.

  • Does my school need to purchase any additional materials?

    We do recommend having basic yoga essentials for each student. This includes one yoga mat, one small towel, and a bottle of water.

  • Should yoga be taught in PE (Physical Education)?

    Yoga can be taught in both Physical Education (PE) classes and traditional classrooms, depending on the school's preferences and curriculum.

    Yoga provides a unique combination of physical activity, mindfulness, and stress reduction, making it suitable for inclusion in PE classes. It promotes flexibility, strength, and body awareness, which align with the goals of PE.

    However, yoga can also be integrated into any classroom setting to support students' overall well-being and enhance their social-emotional learning.

    The program is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing teachers to incorporate yoga and mindfulness practices in PE classes or other classroom settings based on their school's specific needs and curriculum structure.

  • Is prior yoga experience necessary for teachers to participate in the program?

    This program is designed for teachers with all levels of experience, including those who have no prior yoga background.

    Our training program provides comprehensive instruction and guidance, equipping teachers with the necessary tools, knowledge, and confidence to guide students in yoga and mindfulness practices.

    We cover various techniques, teaching methods, and age-appropriate activities to ensure that teachers feel prepared and confident in delivering these practices to their students.

    Our goal is to empower teachers and provide them with the necessary support to successfully integrate yoga and mindfulness into their classrooms, regardless of their prior experience in yoga.

  • Can teachers operate this course on their own?

    Yes, teachers can operate this course on their own after receiving the necessary training and support from BlissYogaSG. The program provides comprehensive training on yoga and mindfulness practices specifically tailored to the school environment.

    Teachers will gain the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to confidently guide students through yoga and mindfulness activities.

    Additionally, ongoing support and monitoring sessions are available to ensure teachers feel confident and supported in implementing the program in their classrooms.

  • What is the recommended frequency and duration of yoga sessions for students?

    In a school setting, it is recommended to have regular yoga sessions for students. The frequency and duration can vary depending on the school's schedule and resources. Here is a typical schedule that works well:

    • For younger students (Early &  Elementary school): Incorporate brief yoga activities throughout the day, such as 5-10 minutes of yoga in the morning, 10-15 minutes of mindfulness exercises after lunch, and 5-10 minutes of relaxation before the end of the day.

    • For older students (e.g., middle and high school): Schedule dedicated yoga sessions 1-2 times per week, with each session lasting around 20-30  minutes. These longer sessions allow for a more in-depth yoga practice and mindfulness exercises.

    It's important to adapt the frequency and duration based on the age and needs of the students, as well as the available time within the school's schedule.

  • How can we address any concerns or resistance from parents or other stakeholders regarding the introduction of yoga in schools?

    To address concerns or resistance from parents or other stakeholders, it is important to provide them with information about the benefits of yoga for children.

    By highlighting the positive impact of yoga on children's focus, concentration, self-regulation, and overall well-being, parents can better understand the value of incorporating yoga into their child's education.

    Addressing misconceptions and clarifying any misunderstandings about yoga can help alleviate concerns. Additionally, offering opportunities for communication and involvement, such as parent yoga workshops or parent and child yoga sessions, allows parents to experience firsthand the benefits of yoga and engage in open dialogue with teachers and staff, fostering a sense of trust and collaboration.

  • How can we measure the impact and outcomes of implementing yoga in our school?

    The impact and outcomes of implementing yoga in your school can be measured through assessments, student feedback, observations, and tracking indicators such as improved focus, self-regulation, and overall well-being.