21 Day Kids Yoga Challenge

It takes 21 days to create a habit. Let us create a Yoga Habit together

  1. Creative breathing &  Mindfulness practice 

  2. Yoga poses-Strength, Mobility & Improving Flexibility
  3. Warm-up- Let us get moving

  4. Relaxation, Pranayama & Quiet Time

  5. Building  a Yoga Routine

  6.  Fun, Informative &  Engaging ways of practicing Yoga

Benefits of this course

Children derive enormous benefits from yoga improving Physical, Emotional & Mental Wellbeing !!

  • Essential skill for a lifetime

  • Motor Skills, Balance & Coordination

  • Improving Focus, Memory & Concentration

  • Manage Anxiety & Emotion & Body Awareness

  • Build Strength & Flexibility

  • Promote Calmness and Relaxation

  • Healthier & Happier Kids

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to 21 Day Kids Yoga Challenge- Let us create a Yoga Habit together

    2. 3 Minute Sun Salutation- Get introduced to wonderful Practice of Yoga

    1. 5 Minute Ease into it Breathe & Move- Day 1

    2. 5 Minute Creative Breathing for Kids -Day 2

    3. 10 Minute 5 Basic Yoga Poses for Kids Healthy Body & Mind- Day 3

    4. 7 Minute Sun Salutation- 3 Rounds-Day 4

    5. 8 Minute Animal Flow Kids Yoga- Let us make Yoga fun for Kids- Day 5

    6. 15 Minute Daily Yoga Routine for Kids Stretch, Breathe & Relax -Day 6

    7. 15 Minute Kids Yoga Get Fit Get Active Boost Your Energy Levels -Day 7

    8. Quiz Time

    1. Intro- Power Yoga

    2. 10 Minute Strength & Self-Confidence- Day 8

    3. 10 Minute Power Yoga for Kids -Day 9

    4. 10 Minute Sun Salutation- 5 Rounds -Day 10

    5. 15 Minute Power Yoga for Kids- Day 11

    6. 20 Minute Full Body Yoga -Day 12

    7. 20 Minute Energize Yoga- Feel Awesome with Yoga- Day 13

    8. Quiz Time

    1. 10 Minute Yoga for Hamstring Flexibility -Day 14

    2. 15 Minute Yoga for Hip Flexibility -Day 15

    3. 15 Minute Hocus Pocus-Flexibility & Focus- Day 16

    4. 20 Minute Core Strength Day 17

    5. 20 Minute Gentle Yoga with Breathing, Mindfulness & Gratitude - Day 18

    6. 20 Minute - Strength, Stillness & Balance- Day 19

    7. 10 Minute-Seated Yoga-Take it easy !!- Day 20

    8. 10 Minute Yoga Routine to Energize & Relax - Day 21

    9. Quiz Time

    1. Here's what's next...Join Online Kids Yoga Membership Program

    2. More resources for you

About this course

  • $59.90
  • 29 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content

Introduce Your Children to the Magical World of Yoga

Suitable for Kids age 6-12 Yrs Old.

 Kids need yoga as much as we do, we're living in a world that is very fast-paced, where there is information everywhere, computers, TV, video games. 

Yoga is a low-cost, helpful tool that can have a positive impact on children. 

Hi! This is Parul! I will be your yoga instructor for this course.

  •  I am a certified Yoga instructor for adults & Kids both + Sound Healer & therapist 
  • I have been teaching yoga for the last 7 years 
  • I love to make yoga fun and enjoyable for everyone.

Connect with BlissYogaSg on Social Media

Facebook  | Instagram  | Instagram Kids | BlissYogaKidsYoutube| BlissYogaSG Youtube

BlissYogaSG also conducts 95 hour Yoga Alliance certified Kids Yoga Teacher's Trianing (RCYT) For inquiries, email me at [email protected].


Help your Kids estabilish Healthy Habits Early

Let us make better use of screen time I 21 Day Online Kids Yoga Challenge