Online Kids Meditation & Calming Yoga Routine
Pre-Recorded Videos | 6 Yoga Videos Every Week | Suitable for Kids (8-12 Yrs Old) I 1 Free Live Class I Exit Anytime
What Will Kids Learn in this Program?
Children derive enormous benefits from yoga improving Physical, Emotional & Mental Wellbeing !!
Self-help tool to feel Calm & Relaxed
Improving Focus, Memory & Concentration
Manage Anxiety & Emotion & Body Awareness
Build Strength & Flexibility
Promote Calmness and Relaxation
Healthier & Happier Kids
Read more about me below..
Parul has been teaching Yoga for the last 7 years. She is a kids & teens yoga teacher, lead trainer and content creator with +3,000 hours of teaching. She founded BlissYogaSG in 2016 and is a registered Yoga Alliance teacher, RCYT®,ERYT®200,YACEP®.
Parul is specialized and passionate about children’s yoga but also certified in Hatha, Yin, Yoga Therapy, Anatomy, Prenatal, Mindfulness & Sound Healing.
She created Yoga Alliance approved Kids Yoga Teacher Training in 2021 to help teach Yoga to Kids in a Fun, Creative & Effective format.
In 2020, Parul launched the BlissYogaSG Online studio, an e-platform for accessing kids yoga courses & teacher’s training programs to make it more accessible for everyone.
Looking forward to seeing you at the Nalanda Retreat - Wellness and yoga resort in India.
Parul Chaturvedi@BlissYogaSG
Facebook | Instagram | Instagram Kids | BlissYogaKidsYoutube| BlissYogaSG Youtube
Monday- Unwind & Recharge
Monday-Visualizing & Relaxation
Wednesday- Refreshing & Relaxing
Wednesday-Guided Beach Visualization for Kids
Friday-Hocus Pocus-Flexibility & Focus
Friday- Meditation for Self-Confidence
Week 2 -Strength- Mobility & Meditation
Monday-Belly Breathing for Kids -Improve Focus & Relax
Monday- Mobility, Meditation & Visualization
Wednesday-Kids Calming Breathing Practices
Wednesday- Relaxing Yoga- Feel Good & Calmer
Friday- Stretch-Strengthen -Stillness
Friday-3 Minute Meditation for Positive Thinking
Week 3 -Find your inner Calm
Monday-Calming Yoga Poses & Breathing
Monday-2 Minute Gratitude Meditation for Kids
Wednesday- Stretch Tall, Breathe Deeper, & Smile Wide.
Wednesday - 3 Minute Kids Yoga Finger Meditaion for Confidence I Moving Meditation
Friday-Unlock the power of Breathing, Mindfulness & Gratitude
Friday-10 Minute Heart Meditation for Kids
Week 4 -Flexibility, Focus & Mindfulness
Monday Warriors-I am Strong, I am Calm & I am balanced
Monday -Guided Meditation for Kids I Beach Visualization
Wednesday- Mindfulness & Movement- Mind full or Mindful
Wednesday -Mindful Walking -Moving Meditation
Friday I 7 Minute Calming Yoga & Breathing Routine
Friday-5 Minute Calming Breathing Practices to Calm & Relax
Week1-Introducing Pranayama to Kids- Whats Pranayama
Monday -12 Minute Video - Breatthing to Calm & Improve Focus
Monday - Eye Exercises
Wednesday-Heart Opening Yoga Poses
Wednesday-3 Minute Monkey Mind Meditation
Friday-Pause, Breathe & Practice Gratitude
Friday-3 Minute Relaxation & Visualization
Week 2 - Stretch & Relax
Monday- Stretch,Breathe & Relax (Hamstring Flexibilty)
Monday -1 Minute Affirmation Meditation
Wednesday-Get Active-Get Moving-Boost your Energy levels !!!
Wednesday-10 Minute Heart Meditation for Kids
Friday-Refreshing & Relaxing
Friday-5 Minute Positive Affirmation for Kids
Week 3 -Restorative Yoga -Reset & Energize
Monday-Calm Down Yoga
Monday-3 Minute Meditation for Positive Thinking
Wednesday- Stretch, Breathe & Smile
Wednesday-2 Minute Gratitude Meditation for Kids
Friday -Strength & Energize
Friday-15 Minute Guided Meditation for Beginners
Week 4-Power Week- Strength, Mobility & Stillness
15 Minute Monday -Yoga Warm-Up
7 Minute -Monday Meditation for Self-Confidence
Wednesday- Power Yoga for Kids
2 Minute Wednesday-Love & Kindness Meditation
Friday- Mobility & Meditation
Friday-Positive Affirmation Meditation for Self-Confidence
Week 1 - Power Yoga (Sun Salutation Challenge)
Monday-Sun Salutation- 3 Rounds
Wednesday-Sun Salutation- 5 Rounds
Friday -Sun Salutation- 7 Rounds
Week 2 - Strength (Core, Lower back & Overall Strength)
Monday- Core Strength
Wednesday- Lower Back Strength
Friday-Lower Body Strength
Quiz Time
Week 3- Flexibility - Hips, Hamstrings & Full Body
Monday-Hip Flexibility
Wednesday- Hamstring Flexibility
Friday-Full Body Flexibility
Quiz Time
Week 4- Resilience, Strength & Endurance
Monday-Yoga for Resilience
Quiz Time
Wednesday- Strengthen your Legs & Improve your Body Endurance
Quiz Time
Friday - Cultivate Strength & Stamina
Quiz Time
Bonus Content - 3 Minute Meditation-Pop Your Thoughts away & Focus
Week 1-All about Focus, Balance & Getting Taller
Monday- Find Your Balance & Improve Height
Wednesday -Hocus Pocus-Let us all Focus
Quiz Time
Friday-Stretch Tall, Breathe Deeper, & Smile Wide.
Week 2 - Mobility, Meditation & Deep Stretch
Monday- Mobility, Meditation & Visualization
Wednesday- Relaxing Yoga- Feel Good & Calmer
Friday- Deep Stretch-Deeper Connection
Quiz Time
Week 3-Power Week- Build Strength, Burn off Energy & Have Fun
Monday-Strength & Self-Confidence
Wednesday-Core & Total Body Strength
Quiz Time
Friday- Energize yourself & Feel Awesome with Yoga
Week 4 - Manage Stress & Anxiety- Breathing, Yoga Poses & Positive Affirmation
Monday-Yoga & Breathing for Kids with Positive Affirmation
Wednesday-10 Minute Bed Time Yoga for Kids
Friday-Seated Relaxing Yoga poses
Bonus Content - Trataka (Eye Exercises)
Week 1-Special Yoga Week
Monday -Kids Yoga for Digestion & Immunity
Wednesday- Core Strength
Friday-Hamstring Flexibility
Week 2-Total Body Fitness
Monday-Strengthen your Legs & Improve your Body Endurance
Wednesday- Fit like an Athlete- Improve your Strength-Flexibility & Mobility
Friday-Yoga for Resilience
Quiz Time
Week 3- Lower Back, Hips & Hamstrings
Monday-Hip Flexibility
Wednesday- Hamstring Flexibility
Friday- Lower Back flexibility
Week 4 - Energizing & Relaxing
Monday- 5 Rounds of Sun Salutation
Wednesday-Get Active-Get Moving-Boost your Energy levels !!!
Friday-Refreshing & Relaxing
Bonus Content - Five Finger Breathing
Suitable for Kids age 6-12 Yrs Old.
Kids need yoga as much as we do, we're living in a world that is very fast-paced, where there is information everywhere, computers, TV, video games.
Yoga is a low-cost, helpful tool that can have a positive impact on children.
More Yoga Resources for Teachers & Kids
Kids Yoga Teacher's Start-Up Kit to give you a head start in your Kids Yoga Teaching journey. 2 Years of Free access to Lesson plans, Kids yoga games, Breathing & Meditation techniques on signing up for 95 Hrs. Kids Yoga Teacher's Training.
PurchaseOnline Yoga Program for Kids (Ages 6 to 12) I Self-Paced Pre-Recorded Yoga Videos I Improve Your Child's Physical, Emotional & Mental Well-Being I First Month, Pay Only $1 I Exit Anytime
$25.99 / month
Nurture young hearts with kindness, compassion & self-love! Perfect for educators & children yoga teachers, this course offers 3 class plans, 4 meditation videos, and 2 yoga videos. Foster love at home with family & friends. Ages 4-12
Empower kids with happiness tools - Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness & Santosha (contentment)! For Yoga teachers & Educators: access Class plans, Meditation Scripts & Videos (ages 4-12).
Empower young minds with Yoga & Mindfulness for Enhanced Focus. This transformative course equips children with tools to conquer distractions and thrive. Join us to ignite focus! Breathing Exercises, Meditation, Eye Exercises & Yoga Asanas.
95 Hours Online Kids Yoga Teacher's Training I 20 Day Live Online Training I 2 hours every day.
In-person children's yoga teacher training in Singapore I Learn tools of holistic wellbeing for kids I Become a Certified Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher.
STRONG, HAPPY & HEALTHIER KIDS !! Let us prepare them for a better future !!